
Monday, March 24, 2014

5-10-03: Creeks Gone Wild

Saturday May 10

7:30pm - Phone rang last night after 9:00 so I answered it - it was Lars! Looking for Karin's ph# so he could call her for her birthday. I gave him the # I had, and chatted for a while about this and that. He's planting his "mini-garden" with tomatoes and ... (something else), and we talked about the recent thunderstorms. He said he likes watching the "light show". We hung up, then a few minutes later he called back, saying the ph. # was no good, and that I was the "communications center" and how could I not have the right # - didn't I call Karin ever?

I explained that we hadn't talked since Christmas, but I'd call him back after a minute so I could look for a good ph#. Turns out I'd given him the # which was supposed to be their main line, but the phone company messed up so they had it disconnected and changed to their other line. Lars just laughed at me and said 'yeah, yea, whatever story you need to make up for giving me the wrong #...' We had a good laugh and he said he would call her right away.

Since my last entry, the weather has not been much better. Another heavy storm in the wee hours of Friday morning, and received @ 2" of rain. The bridge to the west field had been submerged and pushed downstream a few feet, and we took pictures of the "creek" gone wild in the backyard area at the bottom of the hill. Some newly planted trees were submerged but later in the day looked okay after the water receded. Yesterday & today there have been "scattered" thundershowers (too much Weather Channel) and we haven't got much done outside. David's arm has been hurting after so much post-hole digging, so it's just as well.

Today we picked up 4 egg laying chickens from "Ron". The transfer went well - we had the pet carrier in the back of the Volvo. They were very quiet. Two Rhode Island Reds, one black and white something or other, and one brown and white something or other. We're embarrassed that we can't remember, but oh well. They are currently settled nicely into their new coop/stall, and just before he came in for dinner David saw them eat & drink; in fact, we've already had to refill the food trough.

The new girls

The transfer

Checking out the view

Home Sweet Home
Unbelievable dandelion problem here. Just amazing how thick & aggressive they are. 2 days after he mows, 6 billion stems are 6 inches high, marring the landscape. David has vowed 'war on the dandelions'. More good news is that the garden is showing growth, even with all this pounding rain and cloudy skies. Sunflowers, lettuce, carrots, potatoes, and green onions have showed their heads above the soil, and the pepper seedlings are very happy under their plastic pop bottle covers.

I hope that robin is leaving a trail of bread crumbs...
Dad & Elsie & their visitors are at Karin's house today and departing tomorrow.

We found a beheaded bird next to the pond - probably a victim of the snapping turtle.

David has seen two black snakes in and near the stream - he's pretty sure they're no garter snakes...

Hope the weather cooperates so we can plant the rest of our seedlings.

Had BBQ chicken & rice for dinner, and for dessert is the apple pie I made yesterday. Also baked up a Lemon Poppy Seed bread mix - yum!

End of Entry

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