
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Journal: Tragic Incident

Monday January 13, 2003
! Don't read this entry if you have a weak stomach about animal injuries ! I felt sick about it for years and years; deservedly or not, I often remember the episode with regret for my actions and inaction. Over time, it has slowly faded to become a fact of life. I am posting this journal entry because suppressing the past doesn't hide it, censoring doesn't erase it, but maybe sharing will help heal it. 
A few days ago, I was walking in the snow in the North field with Vince & Tessa. We encountered a small deer tangled in the fence; one rear leg was hung up above its head. It was a horrible sight even though the deer appeared to have enough energy to try to flee. Actually that made it worse. Also, Vince & Tessa were riled up over the creature and frightened it more by lunging.

I could not free it because its foot was so twisted in the wire. I was screaming at the dogs and crying and trying not to look at the deer and berating myself for not being strong enough and for not bringing a walkie talkie to call David for help. After a couple minutes I leashed up the dogs and we ran all the way to the house. I was exhausted and my big boots slowed me down.

Once to the house I saw David downstairs and must have sounded like a maniac as I told him the situation. He suited up and brought wire cutters and the two of us went back. He cut the wire from off the leg, and the disoriented frightened deer tried to come through the fence toward us, becoming trapped again until David took 2 sections of fence down.

In another horrible vision of nature the deer dragged itself across our field. Her dislocated leg was a mess, and her other hind leg weak from being trapped in a standing position. Who knows how long it was there to begin with? I tried not to watch but was compelled to experience its courageous crawl away from us and the unyielding pain. A truly horrible sight.

The next morning David checked the field and reported that drag marks indicated it had gone across the field and through the 3-wire fence in the neighbor's field and disappeared. Our hopes for its recovery were dashed yesterday when I again went walking with the dogs and found the deer still alive & alert in the NW corner but unable to stand.

I had Tessa leashed up so nothing happened at that point, but later as I was removing wasp nests from the red shelter she took off and ran back to the deer. I didn’t panic, half hoping that she would scare the deer enough to shock it into forever sleep. But by the time I got close it was clear she was just running around it and had pulled a little fur from its neck and it was frightened but not shocked out. I saw blood on the ground, and decided Nature needed a helping hand.

Back at the house, I made some phone calls which weren’t successful until this morning when I made contact with the Game Warden. He’s due here within the half hour, and we’ll both walk him to the field. David went out earlier this morning and said the deer had crawled into the neighboring field. We’ll have it at peace soon.

(David addendum – the Warden shot it with a rifle and loaded into his truck to take it to a needy family who could process the meat. He offered it to us first, but we declined.)

End of Entry

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Journal: Depart NC

Thursday January 2, 2003

8:45am Depart  [261598]

Thanks to our pre-packing, and David’s talent at stuffing things in the car, the morning went fairly smooth. Dad & Elsie had the usual breakfast feast out, and gave us premade sandwiches for the road. We had decided last night to not leave too early this morning because of potential rush hour traffic. At the moment it’s a little crowded on Davis Dr but not as bad as earlier probably--the fog is slowing things down, too.

1:45pm – Marmet, W VA fuel [261907  311.8mi  10.6gal]
Weather has been foggy & gray with occasional showers.

3:15 – entered Ohio! (6 ½ hours)
Driving has been going smooth @ 70mph. Still gray & foggy, with a lot of precip’n now. I’ve been doing my *sunflower needlepoint for hours!

6:30 – arrived home – made good time.

*sunflower needlepoint: I had discovered a new hobby of counted cross stitch.

End of Entry

Journal: More Holiday Visits

Monday December 23, 2002                          **LOTS of pictures added since 1st published!

Christmas trip to Cary, NC

Volvo – starting mileage 260988, ending mileage 261592

7:22 am – Depart – Clear & cold dawn skies.
10:30 – Rest Stop
11:15 – Ate PB&J and chips and pop for lunch on-the-go
12:00 – Fuel stop, Marmet, W. VA [261275 (295.5 mi) $16 10.67gal]
2:45 – Rest stop, just over NC border. Very busy rest area.

We’re driving the Volvo on this trip, and David did a great job of arranging baggage, snacks, presents, dog stuff, cat litter box, 2 adults, 3 dogs and 1 cat so that we all fit rather nicely. The car is running smoothly at @ 70mph and the dogs seem comfortable enough, cozied together in the back.

Tessa is pretty calm, mostly because she’s tired from Lars’ visit yesterday. Since he couldn’t attend the family functions for Thanksgiving or Christmas due to work, David & I were going to see him on Saturday as a day trip, but he offered to drive up to see us instead. So he showed up yesterday @ noon, and stayed until the Brown’s game ended after 7 o’clock.
We had a good time; walked the property, played air hockey (xmas gift to ourselves), ate hot dogs for lunch, watched the pig movie “Babe” (he really liked it!), looked at Thanksgiving photos, watched the Brown’s game, ate homemade chicken enchiladas at halftime, and tried out our glӧgg to good reviews. A good day was had by all. On Saturday, our neighbor Kathy brought a gift: a Beta fish in a special bowl – very pretty.

(this part entered from memory 1-19-03)

Arrived @ 6pm, after a little excess driving due to wacky internet directions. The house & neighborhood looked great all decked out for Christmas. Karin had been out shopping but arrived shortly thereafter. Everyone got their first glimpse of my ‘head wound’ and black/yellow eye.
Wound Maker

Moving is a contact sport

This was the result of getting smacked in the head by the hand-truck on the previous Wednesday as we were moving a heavy post with concrete base out of the yard. The load shifted and I was in front trying to help keep it on & the handle just shot up and Bonk! Over my right eye. I didn’t scream or cry out because my instincts said stay very still, so I just knelt down. There was a gash (“a hole”) so David *drove me to Galion Community Hosp. & I received 3 stitches. It was mildly traumatic in all, but I survived.

Anyhow, Christmas was fun. Dad & Elsie spoiled us rotten with food & drink, and we got fat & lazy. Their house is beautiful, and they have a nice way of decorating that is warm & inviting. Dick wasn’t there due to work schedule, same as Lars. There were so many presents Christmas morning – everyone was so generous to us. Karin had to depart late Chr. Day so she could go to work the next day.
Christmas Eve Dinner 2002

David and I, Christmas Eve 2002

Hand transplant with pig's foot

Me, gnawing on a pig's foot
[Pickled pigs feet
  • Pickled pigs feet is a type of pork associated with Cuisine of the Southern United States, Scandinavian cuisine, and Korean cuisine. The feet of hogs are typically salted and smoked in the same manner as other pork cuts, such as hams and bacon. Wikipedia]

  • Glove Keeper
    Decorated Sanddollar

  • [journal margin notes: *trip to Nat’l History Museum / *trip to lighting store & bought fixture]

    Me in a previous life

    We stayed on til after New Year, and continued to get spoiled & lazy. The dogs had the run of the house. I began learning Swedish. New Year’s Eve dinner was spectacular with lobster & tenderloin, and slow-cook orange dessert; champagne at midnight! A terrific visit.
    New Year's Eve 2002

    Pav is ready to ring in the New Year

    Think of the wound as a beauty mark...

    Would you like to buy a vowel?

    *drove me to hospital: as I recall, we were so new to the area that we had no info on hand regarding hospitals, doctors, etc.  I recall David being very stressed over finding out details in a hurry, and figuring out how to get there (pre-GPS, remember...)

    End of Entry

    Sunday, November 24, 2013

    Journal: Depart VA

    Sunday December 1, 2002

    7:10am  depart Oliver’s house [98435]     10:00am  pit stop    11:45am  fuel stop in West Virginia, and brought sandwiches & pop up to the truck

    2:30pm  pit stop     Roads have steady flow of traffic. Speeds are good in general, but high ratio of “bad” drivers.    @3:30  Into Ohio!

    5:30  Dinner time, picked up a SACK of White Castle burgers—neither of us has ever had them before—tended to the pets and ate burgers on the road. Weird little deals, but fun to try. Did NOT feel good later.

    Fuel: W Virginia  98718 / 21.5 gal / $30.75 / 285 mi

    End of Entry

    Journal: Thanksgiving Visit

    Wednesday 11/27-Saturday 11/30/02                          **LOTS of pictures added since 1st published!

    Dad & Elsie arrived @ 1:00pm on Wed. We hadn’t been anywhere yet, so we went on a driving tour with Dick to pick up the smoked turkey & drive by their old Hampton house. We’d got a late start, so it was dark soon.**

    **Karin & Dick took us all out to eat at their favorite waterside restaurant for some fantastic seafood Wednesday night.

    Thursday was mainly food prep for Thanksgiving dinner, which was targeted for 4pm & we sat down @ 7:15. Eat and go to bed! Everything was fabulous; loads of great food. The deep-fried turkey was a success for the 2nd year, although I didn’t think it tasted better or worse than an oven-baked turkey, so we’ll probably stick with the traditional method.
    The beast for the feast

    Kitchen staff hard at work...

    ...and hard at play!

    Safety First


    Friday passed**

    **Karin & Dick took us out on a driving tour of the naval base, and some of the interesting sites in that area

    then Saturday we took an afternoon tour of Smithfield and squeezed in a 1 hour ride on “Pristina”, their boat.


    We always enjoy being near water
    Me and my big sister, Karin
    It was a fun way to see the sunset. Chilly, but pretty.

    End of Entry

    Journal: Thanksgiving Expedition 2002

    Tuesday, November 26, 2002                              **pictures added since 1st published!

    Start mileage: 97747  End mileage: 98432

    8:05am  On the road to Karin & Dick’s house for Thanksgiving!

    8:25am  onto I-71 [97766, 19 mi to the freeway]

    Good thing we’re departing this morning, because Morrow County has 6” of snow coming by midnight… Karin says it will be unseasonably cold in her area (40’s) but no mention of snow.

    I’m finally at the tail end of being sick. Poor David still has to listen to my night and morning cough-ups. Gross. I just checked the journal, and apparently I’ve been sick since the 15th! Time flies when you’re out of it…

    Fuel stop @ 10am.  Pit stop @ 11:30, brought pop & sandwiches up to the cab.

    I’ve been whiling away the hours looking at the views, reading (newspaper & last two chapters of my book) & talking w/David. He spoke quite awhile about a book he just read re: the USS Indianapolis, and it was fun to see him so animated and into a new topic.

    2:25pm  Crossed into Virginia [98139]   2:40 pitstop (took picture of giant orange spider)
    Okay, it wasn't "giant", but the biggest (and only)
    orange spider I'd ever seen.

    4:30  Fuel stop in Charlotte; called Karin & told her we’re @ 4 hours away. We’re getting a little out of sorts, having underestimated the driving hours. You’d think we’d be old pros, but I guess we are a little burned out on long driving days.

    5:30  Nearing Richmond (finally…) and tried two exits to get some dinner, but the rush-hour congestion is too bad & threatens to entrap us, so we’re back on the freeway. Traffic is moving but slow in spots, and our empty bellies aren’t helping the situation.

    6:30pm  Dinner & pit stop at Wendy’s—dogs got dinner, too. Not sure how much longer to go, but guessing @ 2 hours.

    After getting onto Mercury Blvd and through countless stoplights, we went across the 4 ½ mile bridge. Couldn’t see much in the dark though. Our internet map was a little deficient so we had mild difficulty finding Moonefield Dr, but stumbled onto it and arrived at Karin & Dick’s @ 8:30pm. I was a little whiny & disgruntled by the lengthy drive, but they politely ignored it. Considering David drove the whole way, I thought he held up pretty well.

    We couldn’t see much of the outside, but we toured the inside of their home & it’s just terrific. Unique, roomy floorplan with useful, interesting rooms. It sounds like the decorating was done last-second for our visit, but Karin has a wonderful eye for décor placement and colors. Our guest room was especially neat with the periwinkle color and the “gazebo” area. Nice place for Tig to hang out during the visit. We also got some ideas for our ‘sunroom’ from their ‘sunroom’.
    Pav gave the couch Four Stars

    End of Entry

    Saturday, November 23, 2013

    Journal Photos

    Photos from a few days in Oct-Nov 2002


    David had to play mountain goat

    Elsie took a nice picture of the movers.
    The photocopier still lurks behind us in the truck...

    This is the manpower I journaled about!
    Reward! (Hot tub in the sunroom)


    Backyard, view out to north field

    West field, view back toward house

    Pond was low from long, hot summer (We hoped it wasn't from leaking...)

    Front of house from road

    Meeting the neighbors!
    Walking the north field

    View from north field; always great in Autumn


    Supervisor Extraordinaire
    One small section of the fence David built around the yard


    Tessa romping in November snow

    Choosing wallpaper for the dining room


    David pumped water up from the stream into the pond

    Looks way better than when we moved in!