Day 55 / Day 5 of 4th leg
start mileage (our truck) 96293 / end 96788
(rental truck) 76172 / 76672

7:45 Crossed into Minnesota [96306] Sunrise is in progress, and the weather is dry and cold, with high clouds
9:00 Rest area—potty break & more ice removal. Also, David did something to the rental truck engine with his tools (“booster pump almost fell off”). Decided to switch rigs for awhile so I could experience what David has been trying to describe all along.

My impression is as follows: It rides like a cross between a wooden rollercoaster and an out of balance washing machine on spin cycle. The noise level’s not bad, but I wish it was louder so I couldn’t hear the *thumping going on in the back of the truck.
11:15 rest stop and driver switch. After checking under the hood again, David said it had been the power steering pump he’d worked on earlier. Still very cold
12:30 Stopped east of Austin, MN for fuel and mobile food. David checked tire pressure on the rental truck, then back on the road. The area near Dresbach, MN is very pretty. Not drop-dead gorgeous, I-want-to-live-here pretty, but visually appealing to my I-90 eyes.
1:55pm crossed into Wisconsin [96582]
3:10-3:30 The mattress was starting to shimmy around on top of the truck, so we pulled into a ‘wayside’ for a do-over. It’s just as well since putting the *plank on top helps to cover the holes in the plastic (in case of rain). Our plan is to head to Madison, WI and see if we feel like staying or traveling more.
I’ve had ‘the sleepies’ a few times today so I’m breaking my caffeine rule and having a second Diet Coke (also had caf’d coffee this a.m.)
5:30pm Blew by Madison and stopped at a rest area near Janestown, decided to aim for Rockford, IL. Called Dad & gave status.
6:00pm Into Illinois [96767] 6:15 Arrived Rockford, begin motel search
Best Western
*thumping going on: Ever since 5:05pm Day 51
*plank on top: We had a board under the mattress to keep it level,
but putting it on top weighed it down better.
Toll: IL
Ours .80 / Rental 1.00
Ours .80 / Rental 1.00
Fuel: east of Austin, MN
ours: $27.54 / 17.8 gal / 255 mi / 96537
rental: $53.08 / 34.2 gal / / 76419
End of Entry
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