Monday, July 28 2003
11:20am In the Volvo, on our way to “the office” to paint and do misc cleanup. Had a four-egg home chicken omelet this morning.
*Have to stop now & help a guy get a tree top out of the road! (windstorm damage). On 49 before turn to 19.
Well, that was interesting. Mostly rotted, scattered branches. Anyhoo, back on the road.
Spent most of the weekend outside. Saturday, David mowed for hours and got everything done. I did my garden tending and weeding.
Sunflowers in the driveway garden |
Potting shed work bench and window to the east |
Potting bench shelves |
Did some 'social work' on Saturday by calling Karen W. to plan a Michigan visit and/or camping – decided on late August. We’ll probably see each other in Cleveland @ the 10th since she & Wells will be here on business.
I hope to see Leslie in her triathalon on the morning of the 10th. I talked to her Sat. also, and heard about the latest developments in their remodeling. She wants us to offer advice and some planning, both of which we dispense freely.
Almost to the office now, so I’ll tell the horse story later.
3:15 Taking a break, now at the Taco Bell drive through window. We’ve been cleaning & painting and doing a damn good job!
6:40pm We’re home now, and I’m making spaghetti. The dogs got their dinner first, of course.
10:11pm Finally down for the night. *After dinner we both went outside. I communed with the chickens, scooped horse manure, turned the compost pike, and packed up 3 boxes of the daffodil bulbs I dug up yesterday. David did some work on the floating fountain, and then started putting in the posts for the greenhouse.
Other happenings these past couple of days: I gave the plant bed next to the corral a major weeding, and dug up @ a thousand daffodil bulbs. Worked with Tessa on some remedial obedience. Baked oatmeal raisin cookies.
Oh, the horse story – on Saturday David was fixing a board on the corral that “Beanie” keeps knocking loose. He had accidentally not latched the gate into the chute that goes to the North field, and Sam was feeling frisky so he trotted right on through. He didn’t get far because the dogs barked through the fence and startled him into turning around. I was able to walk up to him and lead him back through the gate.
The whole thing was pretty funny. One reason Sam was worked up is that David and I had been tromping through “his” field, surveying it for the possible future purchase. It needs some fence work.
*After dinner: Okay, here in 2014, this paragraph blows my mind. Where, where, WHERE did we get the energy? We must have looked like crazy people working all the time.
End of Entry