
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Journal Entry #35 and #36 - Auburn, Tacoma, WA

Thursday 10/3/02                                                

Day Thirty-five/ Day 8 of 3rd leg

Up & at 'em @ 9:00 this morning, and had a simple breakfast after showering. We had previously thought of going to the zoo today, but changed ideas last night to go to the Tacoma RV show. Good thing, too, because it was rainy, gray & icky all day. We arrived at the Tacoma Dome
10 minutes before the show opened at 11:00 am. Had a good time standing under cover watching all the sheep-people stand in line in the rain – yeah, like it’s crucial to have a definitive order for an event like the RV show. We just went because we could, and because we’d always wanted to experience it on a week day vs. a jammed weekend. Aside from having to elbow out a few seniors, it was a pleasant experience. Our current trailer is still tops with us, in looks & price, however we did see a couple interesting developments in the rec’l vehicle hauler style RVs.

Got home @ 2:00, and David started working on the Gold Wing, which he determined during yesterday’s ride to need some maintenance. I did this & that, including discovering Sam’s Club on the internet has an Auction category, and I ended up bidding & winning on a scanner! $25 for a $60 unit.

Joe & Jeannie arrived @ 6:15 to go over some Show & Tell stuff with David re: house mechanics & technical stuff. We finished our pizza after they left. Watched Animal Planet “Water bear”, STNG, and CSI, then to bed.

End of Entry

Friday 10/4/02                                                

Day Thirty-six/ Day 9 of 3rd leg

Not as many errands today. First, went to the Home Show @ 10:35 and left at noon. Didn’t see anything too thrilling except a hot tub framework (took a picture) and a dry sauna (also just for ideas – too expensive to buy) Then, on to Auburn to pick up an address stamp at *MMP and check the port on the back of the Xerox color copier, as David is trying to fit it with a fiery to make it more useful at home (since we’re kind of stuck with it). Turns out we’ll need some kind of port kit. Then to Sam’s Club for beers, and on home.

Talked to Joyce K who invited us over tonight, since she’ll be out of town until just before we head out. Didn’t do a lot until 6:00--David took a nap after working on the computer, and I caught up on some outside plant maintenance.
Dinner was very good – homemade lasagna, salad, gr beans, and chocolate mousse. David ate a little too much and felt a little uncomfortable. We tried watching a little TV after we walked home @ 9:00 but ended up going to bed after 10:00. I slept okay but David was still full & reported yet another night of poor rest.

*MMP: Minuteman Press, our former printing business

End of Entry

Journal Entry #33 and #34 - Auburn, WA

Tuesday 10/1/02                                                

Day Thirty-three/ Day 6 of 3rd leg

Yesterday & today have been filled with errands and packing and personal business via phone, internet and fax. Last night we had a camp fire, and as usual when we’re relaxing, we talked over ideas for “The Ranch” – décor, remodeling, property, etc and of course The Move. We’re pretty pumped up for the whole process, and will look into the possibility of moving the closing date up when we see Joe & Jeannie (the buyers) tomorrow. If that’s possible, and changing truck rental dates is possible, and moving up the closing date in Ohio is possible, then we may be departing here before the 19th!

Today, took care of a variety of personal business like insurance, prescriptions, vehicle stuff, etc. We’re not working too hard, just getting things done. Oh, today I put out the *agility equipment and Vince & Tessa both did great! I was pretty impressed considering the downtime between practicing, and the tight, condensed course. It made me really look forward to being able to spread out a course on our property in Ohio.

David asked me what/where I would like to eat for my birthday dinner; decided to wait until we can look through next Sunday’s paper to get some ideas for a new place to go.

*agility equipment: Vince and Tessa had both been involved in dog agility classes with me as their handler,
and David built us some practice jumps. Agility was very challenging and fun,
especially given Vince's shy nature, Tessa's exuberance, and my inability to remember a course layout...

End of Entry

Wednesday 10/2/02                                                

Day Thirty-four/ Day 7 of 3rd leg

Although we have been sleeping rather late lately, this morning we got up at a decent hour. 

Another day of errands. David’s Dr. and the pharmacy finally got their act together and he was able to pick up his Rx today. He rode the *Gold Wing to the Fred Meyer since I was still at the grocery store. I shop so slow when I’m by myself – not on purpose, but it can take me 1-2 hours to buy less than $80 stuff because I read all the labels, consider alternate brands, check pricing, think about ingredients for future recipes, etc. I’m usually fairly exhausted when I finish grocery shopping.

Made plans to see *Ramona Sat. at 4pm, her house for a BBQ. Jeannie & the carpet guy came at 6:00pm to measure. Watched ‘Enterprise’ and ‘West Wing’.

Gold Wing: our baby blue, 1990 Honda Gold Wing motorcyle
*Ramona: friend and former boss at Superior Turf Equipment

End of Entry

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Journal Entry #30, #31 and #32 - Auburn, WA

Saturday 9/28/02

Day Thirty / Day 3 of 3rd leg

Slept in ‘til @ 9:30 this morning. Tomorrow’s weather is supposed to get cold & wet, so I finished a couple outside projects (more shrub trimming) then started inside with taking down knick-knacks and pictures. David worked on the truck, then started dispersing garage stuff. Now it’s @ 6:00 pm and we’re headed to Ray & Sharon’s for dinner and to force our photo show on them.

Had *clam spaghetti, steaks, salad. First, looked at their finished pond (looks great). David & Ray watched a *Husky rerun while we had apple cake dessert. Headed home @ 9:00. Ray is headed to Florida Monday until Oct 9, so we’ll see them again before we head to Ohio.

*clam spaghetti: a dish made by Ray from a recipe in the Seattle Times. We loved it SO much that we have been making it a few times a year ever since.

*Husky: Ray and David had both been members of the University of Washington Husky Marching Band

End of Entry

Sunday 9/29/02                                                

Day Thirty-one / Day 4 of 3rd leg

Today was a mixture of packing, plant preparation, and Star Trek Next Generation marathon-watching. I made ribs & mashed potatoes for dinner. My dad called and we got an update on the spoiling of Pav. Taking long walks, making human friends, watching the neighbor’s cats through the window, special dinners, own bed in the bedroom, 5:00am bedding shuffle, future playdate with the 3 greyhounds down the street.

Plan for tomorrow: to shop, to All-Pro for $, to Maple Valley to p/u check, Burien re: insurance, p/u film, call insurance re: Rx, p/u Rx @ Fred Meyer, and so on.

End of Entry

Monday 9/30/02                                                

Day Thirty-two / Day 5 of 3rd leg

No Entry

Random List - Hint Hint

Helpful hints I would like to pass along from recent experience:

  • Make SURE it's just a crooked stick before you pick it up in the woods...
  • Same goes for a brown rock in the horse pasture...
  • Never walk away from your rain barrel hose while filling a watering can for the garden, because you may become distracted doing something else and drain hundreds of gallons of precious rain water right before a 4-week dry spell with temperatures in the 80's and 90's...
  • Spray the wasps and their nest with wasp killer, not just standard insect spray, so they don't live long enough to seek revenge...
  • Using roofing tar paper in a campfire is a good way to let the neighbors know you're having a campfire...  


    Friday, September 13, 2013

    Random List - Say Cheese (over and over and over)

    Items in the company vending machine that (allegedly) contain CHEESE:

    Without mentioning brand names, here are the cheesy descriptions screaming from the chip & cracker packaging:

    • cheddar cheese
    • natural cheddar cheese
    • cheddar and bacon
    • cheddar and sour cream
    • harvest cheese!
    • tomato, basil & feta
    • nacho cheese!
    • 4-cheese crisps
    • cheese danish
    • berry cheez pastry

    I may update this list after my next trip to the breakroom (breaks are not allowed here, so I'm not sure why there's a room...) in case I missed one.

    Tuesday, September 10, 2013

    Journal Entry #28 and #29 - Auburn, WA

    Thursday 9/26/02                                                

    Day Twenty-eight / Day 1 of 3rd leg

    This journal entry being written on Friday morning

    David said the he’s never slept as well as he did last night! It’s good to be on our big bed again, with plenty of room for us & the doggies. Not much on task for the day – or so we thought. I ended up doing quite a bit of yard work. My stamina is shot from a month of sitting down, so I had to keep resting. Watched CSI season premier.

    End of Entry

    Friday 9/27/02                                                

    Day Twenty-nine / Day 2 of 3rd leg

    I didn’t accomplish a lot today, but that’s okay. 3 laundry loads, dishes, general pick-up, and baked an apple cake for dessert tomorrow at dinner w/[friends]. We were going to see Ray & Sharon tonight, but it got switched to Saturday, so I called [friends] and [friends] to see if they want to see trip photos & have a campfire. Some were N/A but Dave & Joyce came over @ 8:00. David did a terrific amount of yard work today, and between the two of us you can hardly tell we were gone for almost a month. Some of the shrubs had 5-8 ft. shoots grown out!

    End of Entry

    Journal Entry #27 - Missoula, MT to Auburn, WA

    Wednesday 9/25/02                                                

    Day Twenty-seven / Day 5 of 2nd leg

    Starting mileage 94227 / Ending mileage 94694

    We all slept well until 6am when the dogs got David up. He said the skies were clear and Tig was doing fine in his truck motel. We tried to go back to sleep, but the dogs were restless, so David started packing up @ 7 while I supervised from under the covers--just to stay out of the way…
    We think there’s a dog show in town; besides the Great Dane yesterday, we’ve seen a few other ‘fancy’ dogs at rest areas and motorhomes with multiple dog crates. Also, there were quite a few dogs at this Motel 6 – David said the 6:00 walk had several dogs in attendance.

    On the road at 8:45am. Early prediction of tonight’s arrival time: 6:00 pm (Pacific Time) Drove until 10:30am, enjoying the hilly scenery and the last few miles of curvy roads, then stopped in Haugan, MT at “Lincoln’s 10,000 Silver $ Bar” (restaurant-gift shop-motel-casino) for potty break & food. D: pancakes + T: Fr Toast +. Lots of neat jewelry & knives in the gift shop, but we ended up spending $ on state magnets. Only $1.00 ea, so we got one for each state this trip, and for each state we’ve spent time in together. Total thus far: 20!

    Entered Idaho @ 11:20am, mlg 94340--no, in Pacific Time 12:20pm. We used a list of states and Canada prov. from the gift shop to make a written list of our travels, together and separate. Drive-through or fly-into/out of states didn’t count, or if we couldn’t remember seeing or doing something.

    Visitation Tally: Both at the same time = 20; Both, but separately = 6; David only = 7; T only = 6; Neither = 14. The 14 ‘neithers’ are as follows: Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware,Lousiana, Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont and 7 of the Canadian provinces.

    Stopped at a rest area for post-coffee potty break @ 11:10.
    Crossed WA border @ 11:25am, mlg 94401.

    As we drive through Washington, I’ve been compiling a list of project / to-dos for our future home, separated by Indoor and Outdoor. There are quite a few, but only 2-3 are musts, the rest are want-to’s. This list kept me busy quite awhile, and now it’s 1:15pm and we’re pulling into Moses Lake for a fuel stop. Hm-m-m, seems like just 27 days ago that we were here…

    Back on the road, next stop – Auburn. Actually next stop – top of Snoqualmie Pass @ 3:30 for a quick break. Nice weather, around 70deg and blue sky with a slight haze. Doesn’t look any darker in the distance either, so it should be good temp. for unpacking the truck. We’ve talked ourselves out about “The Ranch” (as we’ve decided to refer to our new place in Ohio) and are just riding quietly. Tig has been in my lap all day again; really seems to be at ease with this traveling thing.

    Okay, we’re here!. It’s 4:34pm, mlg 94694

    Unloaded truck, said howdy to the neighbors that wandered by, BBQ’d chicken for dinner, played with plants, watched the dogs run free & leashless, downloaded photos, watched ‘Enterprise’ & ‘West Wing’, went to bed & slept great!

    Fuel: Moses Lake, WA / 419 miles / 26.6 gal / $41.00

    End of Entry

    Monday, September 9, 2013

    Journal Entry #26 - Gillette, WY to Missoula, MT

    Tuesday 9/24/02                                                

    Day Twenty-six / Day 4 of 2nd leg

    Starting mileage 93645 / Ending mileage 94227

    Vince has a hair-trigger bark these days, and it was a bit of a challenge to keep him quiet. It’s not like he barks on and on, it’s that at the tiniest of sounds he lets out a loud “emergency woof!”  Tessa has been sleeping soundly lately, probably because she stays awake all day in the back of the truck. Vince has learned to snooze during the trip – maybe she’ll catch on. Couldn’t get the dogs to settle back down by 6am, so I took them outside to potty, then breakfast in the back of the truck. Tig was looking well rested, and the temperature was decent.

    What a difference five minutes makes! When we were doing the potty walk, it was dark & the stars were out in the clear, navy blue sky. Five minutes later, after they ate & we got out of the truck, the skies were light and the stars had packed it in for the night (or would that be “for the day”?) It wasn’t a spectacular sunrise but it wasn’t too shabby either. I left the dogs in the truck & went back up to the room.
    Didn’t want to disturb David who was trying to catch a few more ZZZs, so I showered & played in the bathroom for quite a while. I had forgotten how fun it is to have a bathroom where you can let the water run and where no other campers will come in while you’re poking at your eyebrows, and where someone else will take care of the wet towels.

    It’s about 7:20 am, and I’ll stop writing for now. OOPs – Forgot to mention a big thing: David smelled fuel last night when we pulled into the motel, so he checked the engine, and there was another cracked fuel inj. tube. So this morning he put in one of the ones he bought in Nebraska, and that’s why we’re leaving a little later than normal.

    9:30am, and we’ve been on the road since 8:45. A couple things to add about last night: David reminded me that at 1:30am Vince barked once & woke us up. Before getting back to sleep David remembered that our Lock Box was still in the truck, so he got dressed & went out for it.

    Heard on the news this morning Sioux Falls, SD was at 34 degrees @ 7am. I pity the poor tenters!

    Northern Wyoming is much more picturesque than southern WY. Interesting land formation, and different elevations. At the moment, the sun is burning off some distant haze, and we’re able to see the Big Horn mountains. Just a wee bit of snow on the highest peak. So many antelope around here. I can’t remember if I mentioned it before, but we’ve seen quite a few on this trip, especially west of the Mississippi.

    Stopped for fuel @ 10:00 at Buffalo, WY. Met a snack vendor in the quick-shop that had just been to Pt Orchard/Seattle for vacation and “put my feet in the ocean!”. We’re drinking the Capri-Sun juice packets Leslie gave us – pretty tasty, even if I do feel like a 5-year old. Come to think of it, Karen G. & I drank quite a few of these on our 8-day hike through the Appalachians.

    Crossed into Montana @ 11:00 am. Tig & I were napping, so David had to do the *clapping. Stopped for lunch at 12:00 in Hardin, MT. “Taco John’s” drive-through, a quick dog walk, then back on the road to eat & drive. The skies have clouded completely over; a rare if not first occurrence on this whole trip. Looks to be lighter ahead, though, and no moisture yet.

    David felt like continuing to drive, so off we went until 1:45 when we made a rest area stop. I tried to take Tig out for a walk while David had the dogs, but he didn’t feel like getting hitched up. Then, I entertained David by driving for the next 3 hours – and No sleepy periods! Not a single cotton cloud through my head! I proclaimed 100% confidence that I’ll be fine to drive all day on the way back to Ohio, with regular voice contact on the long straight stretches.

    At 4:45pm we took an exit into Butte for fuel, and I bought subs and a bag of ice at the quick-shop. We’ll need to eat on the road so we can get to Missoula tonight. Stopping in Butte would make for too long of a drive tomorrow, as we intend to finish the trip home in time to catch the 8pm premiere of “West Wing”.Tonight’s goal is to be in a motel by the time the season prem. Of “Frasier” is on. One incentive is as good as another, I guess.
    We ate the subs @ 5:30, then hit a rest stop @ 6:00 for all of us to potty. Saw a beautiful fawn-color Great Dane – probably a show dog with his handler. David wants me to note that we’ve seen a lot of construction sites between Butte & Missoula; could cause slowdowns depending on the time of day.

    Hit town just after 7:00. Went to the Motel 6 first, but decided to shop around when we heard the price: $58 (incl tax). But, 15 min later we returned as the other 5 places were the same or higher. Got settled in, watched ‘Frasier’, walked the dogs, and so on until lights out.
    Fuel:   Buffalo, WY / 361.6 miles / 24 gal / $34.00

    Butte, MT / 385 miles / 21.8 gal / $32.72

    *clapping: Ever since I was a child along for the ride on family trips, I always clap three or four times when crossing over a state border. Not superstitious, just childish enthusiasm and habit I guess.

    End of Entry

    Friday, September 6, 2013

    It's Not What It Sounded Like

    This morning in the bathroom I told Frank:  "Careful, this white powder will really mess up your nose."

    Get your mind out of the gutter! Frank is one of our dogs, and he was standing near when I was applying baby powder...


    Thursday, September 5, 2013

    Journal Entry #25 - Sioux Falls, SD to Gillette, WY

    Monday 9/23/02                                                

    Day Twenty-five / Day 3 of 2nd leg

    Starting mileage 93145 / Ending mileage 93645

    It was a quiet group of campers in the KOA, so we slept well. We woke up @ 1:30am just because, but managed to go back to sleep. The wind started picking up and by 5 am was trying to pick up the tent. Decided it would be wise to remove the light that was swinging wildly above my head while hanging from a string. We calmed the dogs down by bringing them next to us, and Tessa crawled under the covers next to me. The air was cold, in the 50’s, but our sleeping bags do a great job. By 6:00, David decided it was time to go out and brave the wild wind to see if our folding chairs had blown away (no).

    It took a while to break camp because the tent and rain fly were acting like sails. I was laughing but David was all business so we weren’t a very good match this morning. 7:50 am we hit I-90. Tig has been sitting in my lap a lot on the drives lately and I enjoy having him near. Stopped at 9:00 in Mitchell, SD for coffee and a breakfast booster (David had cereal at camp & I had ½ a bagel).

    Drove until 10:45 then stopped at a rest area near “Oacoma”, right next to the Missouri River.

    The rest area was also an Information Center re: the Corp. of Discovery (Lewis & Clark) and had several interesting exhibits. Blue skies & sunshine but the wind is pretty chilly. We’re wearing our winter coats. Onward ho. Stopped for fuel and to make hot dogs on our camping stove at 12:00 in Murdo, SD.

    Hot dogs sounded good at the time. But after two dozen boxes & “things” to get to the needed supplies, David ran out of patience and now is miserable company. Tina is driving now – truck bounces so much that pop goes flat in 5 minutes. The cramped quarters of the truck are making D stress out too easily. (bouncing is not T’s fault – truck too “truck-like” for these highways. Crossed into MST in Murdo @ 12:30 (11:30 MST)

    Fuel: Murdo, SD / 16 gal $25.06 209mi

    I drove for 3 hours after lunch, determined not to get sleepy. It helped that I was a little peeved at my companion… Bypassed Wall Drug and most of Rapid City so we would have time to visit Mt Rushmore.

    Mt Rushmore, 2:12 – 3:00, mileage 93512.  The early afternoon light provided nice shadows on the “faces”. 

    After  that we took the route to Custer, and located David’s aunt & uncle’s former home. Shopped for a couple grocery items at the “Dakota Mart” then set off again with the aim of Gillette, Wyoming. Saw a lot of *fire damage outside of Custer, just as we did near Mt Rushmore.

    Arrived Gillette at 6pm. Checked into the Econo-Lodge (dogs a-ok), unpacked, and ordered a pizza. Watched the CSI-Miami premier (give it a B-) before our nightly read and sleep routine. (The dogs have their own bed tonight).

    582 miles

    *fire damage: The "Battle Creek" Fire burned approx 14,000 acres of
    Black Hills forest land in mid August.

    End of Entry