
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Journal: Thanksgiving Expedition 2002

Tuesday, November 26, 2002                              **pictures added since 1st published!

Start mileage: 97747  End mileage: 98432

8:05am  On the road to Karin & Dick’s house for Thanksgiving!

8:25am  onto I-71 [97766, 19 mi to the freeway]

Good thing we’re departing this morning, because Morrow County has 6” of snow coming by midnight… Karin says it will be unseasonably cold in her area (40’s) but no mention of snow.

I’m finally at the tail end of being sick. Poor David still has to listen to my night and morning cough-ups. Gross. I just checked the journal, and apparently I’ve been sick since the 15th! Time flies when you’re out of it…

Fuel stop @ 10am.  Pit stop @ 11:30, brought pop & sandwiches up to the cab.

I’ve been whiling away the hours looking at the views, reading (newspaper & last two chapters of my book) & talking w/David. He spoke quite awhile about a book he just read re: the USS Indianapolis, and it was fun to see him so animated and into a new topic.

2:25pm  Crossed into Virginia [98139]   2:40 pitstop (took picture of giant orange spider)
Okay, it wasn't "giant", but the biggest (and only)
orange spider I'd ever seen.

4:30  Fuel stop in Charlotte; called Karin & told her we’re @ 4 hours away. We’re getting a little out of sorts, having underestimated the driving hours. You’d think we’d be old pros, but I guess we are a little burned out on long driving days.

5:30  Nearing Richmond (finally…) and tried two exits to get some dinner, but the rush-hour congestion is too bad & threatens to entrap us, so we’re back on the freeway. Traffic is moving but slow in spots, and our empty bellies aren’t helping the situation.

6:30pm  Dinner & pit stop at Wendy’s—dogs got dinner, too. Not sure how much longer to go, but guessing @ 2 hours.

After getting onto Mercury Blvd and through countless stoplights, we went across the 4 ½ mile bridge. Couldn’t see much in the dark though. Our internet map was a little deficient so we had mild difficulty finding Moonefield Dr, but stumbled onto it and arrived at Karin & Dick’s @ 8:30pm. I was a little whiny & disgruntled by the lengthy drive, but they politely ignored it. Considering David drove the whole way, I thought he held up pretty well.

We couldn’t see much of the outside, but we toured the inside of their home & it’s just terrific. Unique, roomy floorplan with useful, interesting rooms. It sounds like the decorating was done last-second for our visit, but Karin has a wonderful eye for décor placement and colors. Our guest room was especially neat with the periwinkle color and the “gazebo” area. Nice place for Tig to hang out during the visit. We also got some ideas for our ‘sunroom’ from their ‘sunroom’.
Pav gave the couch Four Stars

End of Entry

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