Saturday, November 16, 2002
Obviously, I haven’t continued to be vigilant in my “daily” journal. Oh well.
So much has transpired since my last entry. I suppose I feel a twinge of regret over not noting the details, but I can sum it up for future memory prodding:
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My precious plants had already been removed |

The BIG CONCERN item—the color copier—had a fairly smooth transfer thanks to ingenuity between Dad & David. Strapped on a handtruck with a board underneath, it was safely deposited downstairs. Actually, it was almost more difficult just to get it from the back of the truck, on the auto lift, and down to the ground…
Lars had to depart Saturday evening to go home to his dogs. We agreed to see each other at Thanksgiving at Karin’s. I was glad he got to see the OSU game while he was here, albeit through terrible reception on ABC via antennae.

After watching the final World Series game, we all went to sleep, with the K’s on an air mattress in the spare (sewing?) room, Dad & Elsie in the guest room. David took the K’s to the airport in the wee hours of Monday morning—I think they left here @ 5am. He was back by 7:30, and went back to bed for awhile.
The next few days passed in a steady march of cleaning, moving, opening boxes, assembling furniture, cleaning, eating, sleeping. Meals, and food in general, were easier once the refrigerator was in and operating.
Pav had a good time hanging around Vince & Tessa, but I let him run soon after he arrived here and then he was *limping around. I felt terrible, but Dad checked Pav’s foot ‘staples’ everyday and said the injury site looked fine.
We decided they could take Pav home with them, untilChristmas I mean Thanksgiving. They seem to adore him, and he, them. He likes being the only dog at their house, I’m sure.
We decided they could take Pav home with them, until
Time passed in this manner, then Dad & Elsie & Pav departed Wednesday morning. In the 2+ weeks since they left, we’ve just continued the process of remodeling, including dropping big $ at Home Depot and Lowe’s. Major purchases included a dryer, range, carpeting, window coverings. As of today, we only have a start on the drapes & such, and the carpet is due to be installed on the 20th.
We didn’t like the flat finish on the walls, so David *spray textured the LR, DR & hallway. Also, we’ve painted the ceilings in those areas and some walls. Despite the fact we need to rip out the carpet soon, we moved the major pieces of furniture into the living room so we could set up the layout, and so we’d have a place to be upstairs other than the bedroom. So far, so good.
We didn’t like the flat finish on the walls, so David *spray textured the LR, DR & hallway. Also, we’ve painted the ceilings in those areas and some walls. Despite the fact we need to rip out the carpet soon, we moved the major pieces of furniture into the living room so we could set up the layout, and so we’d have a place to be upstairs other than the bedroom. So far, so good.
On the outside, things have been changing as well. The weather’s been a little wacky since we arrived—super cold for days, then wet, then decent and 60’s, then cold again. During the nicer period, David got most of the chain link fence in; from the house to the utility shed, and from the house to the west fence. For a few days now, Vince & Tessa have had free roam of 1+ acres fenced back yard. Tessa is especially pleased to not be on leash anymore.

Yesterday & today I’ve been on my butt with lethargy, sore throat, runny nose, etc.. David continues to be a dynamo, but has started to control his pace (so he says).
I’m positive I’ve left many details untouched, but the point is we’re settling in, doing what needs to be done, and waiting for the carpet install before moving everything inside. Later…
*limping around: Pav injured his foot in an accident with a door at Dad’s house.
*spray textured: This one little sentence does not begin to describe the tremendous amount of preparation, labor and MESS that was involved. I didn’t care that much about the flat wall surface, but it really bothered David, so he took on the challenge. It was one of the messiest remodeling projects I've ever been part of in my life, but the result was very nice.
End of Entry
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