
Thursday, March 27, 2014

5-12-03: He Was Here First

Monday, May 12, 2003
10:30 pm- Weather was still windy and at times wet, so not much doing outside. David hung some shoplights in the barn while I prepared the *2 week menu and a grocery list. Later he went to town while I puttered in the barn and outside.

Barn: Repotted the last batch of houseplants, fluffed the chickens' bedding, and refreshed the horse bedding. Then outside to check the tree cages. I wore 3 layers & scarf & knit hat to keep the wind at bay.
© Galina Dreyzina  Dreamstime Stock Photos

Tessa barked away the German Shepherds from the North field (Peggy & Art's dogs) and also a black cat. I walked out to where the shepherds had been digging and came face to face with a groundhog in its hole. We had a little chat, and I told it that when we get horses his holes will be dangerous. The groundhog said 'I was here first'. So I left. 

Other activities: Put away groceries, read cook books from library, hot tubbed w/David, clipped cat nails and dog nails.

Yesterday we saw the black snakes close up and took pictures. Researched on internet at Ohio Wildlife site and determined they are common, non poisonous water snakes.

Mama snake, headed for her babies across the stream.
We're over here!

Group Hug

Despite the wind yesterday I got the last 6 trees planted (not counting the mock oranges or evergreens) and David mowed the back yard.

*2 week menu: To reduce grocery store trips, and completely eliminate the daily hassle of deciding "what's for dinner?", I would make up a 2-week list of meals in advance. Usually I would sketch out the basics based on my somewhat boring routine, then get David's suggestions to round it out. I think we got the idea for this from Ray & Sharon, and it works great.

End of Entry

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