
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Journal Entry #10 - Butler, Mansfield, Loudonville OH

Sunday 9/8/02

Day Ten

     KOA, Butler, OH
     Starting mileage 90857 / Ending mileage 90950

Everyone seems to have slept well – except for us… Tonight we’ll sleep on the dinette bed which is slightly narrower but a little longer, and hopefully won’t make the dogs feel as misplaced.

David did dog duty @ 6:00am, then back to bed until we all stirred around after 8:00. He then played super-host by making coffee and pancakes for everyone! Ate outside again, then sat around & talked awhile until it was time for Dad & Elsie to take Lars back to Columbus (needed to check on his dogs by noon or so). Lars gave us his work phone # so we can call him when we get back to Ohio with all our “stuff” and he’ll help us move in to storage or a house.

After they left we hung around the trailer and had a hot dog lunch while we planned an outing. We left @ 1:30 to tour the general area; Mansfield, Butler; Loudonville. Talked to Lynne the Ohio agent we’ve been emailing with & set up a 1pm meeting on Tuesday. Got a voicemail msg. from *Karin. Very difficult to find a spot where the cell phone is not on Roam or Extended Service and Analog.

As we drove around we wrote down some tel. #’s from “for sale” signs, but more lucrative was the real estate section of the newspaper we bought later
when we grocery shopped at Gribble IGA. After completing our grocery list @ 4:00pm we headed back to the KOA.

David observed that most back roads do not have any speed limit signs – must be up to each driver… We’re really enjoying the no-stoplight roads & all the pretty scenery, knowing that this isn’t possible to find in Western Washington.

David spent a while oohing and aahing over potential properties & homes for sale (newspaper ads) due to the low prices compared to WA state. Then we had dinner of hamburger & fries and cleaned the trailer a little for Dad & Elsie’s return visit. Stayed outside in the screen room until it was too buggy and dark to read. D&E showed up @ 9pm and we all talked a while before going to bed. The plan for tomorrow is to drop by the [homeowners] @ 10. I really hope we can get a decision from them.

*Karin: my sister, in Smithfield, VA

End of Entry

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