
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Journal Entry #13 - Butler, Loudonville, Millersburg, Shreve OH

Wednesday 9/11/02

Day Thirteen

     KOA, Butler, OH
     Starting mileage 91028 / Ending mileage 91060

Everyone was finally up by 8:30, which was a little late considering there are four of us getting ready to leave by 9:30. David & I slept a little better last night by each taking a different pull-out bed. I used the sleeping bag on the couch bed, and David was on the dinette. As usual, the dogs were wherever they wanted. It was our last night with Pav for awhile, so I enjoyed having him stretched out next to me (except when he poked his paw in my eye and later, his elbow in my gut).

Speaking of Pav, I’ve rarely seen him as frisky as when Dad had him out for a pre-trip potty and he came scampering back, prancing and perking up his ears, when Dad call him to their van.
The kennel fits nicely in the back of their Honda after the back seat was put down, and Pav doesn’t seem the least bit disconcerted when the hatch is lowered. Seems his usual placid self, and we know *he’ll enjoy his time with Dad & Elsie. They act pretty excited to be having a dog-for-rent, especially a greyhound.

After coffee, tea, etc. we got all our stuff rounded up and headed out the door. Dad & Elsie had gathered most of their things last night so it wasn’t a big deal this morning. I had stayed up late & cut out property ‘ads’ of interest, and consolidated our paperwork, so I felt pretty organized on that count. Final photos, hugs, and promises to write when we get work…

We headed right to Cherie [Cher-ee] at Real Estate Showcase in Loudonville for our 10:00am apt. Suffice to say, we arrived back at her office at 4pm. Quite a lot of driving (in her Ford Taurus) to various properties as far out as Millersburg & Shreve, and also close around Loudonville. Most were a lost cause due to property not meeting our needs—too steep, too barren—but two were promising despite the fact we were only able to drive by, and not see inside the house. The one outside of Millersburg we eventually decided not to have Cherie pursue because of its distance from Loudonville or any familiar towns, and also because the property, though large, didn’t seem conducive to a “water feature”. So, it boils down to a possible look-see inside the property near Loudonville. 5 acres on a township road, close enough to bike into town but in a country setting. We have tentative plans to see it on Saturday.

Tomorrow’s plan is relaxing, laundry, dog walks, and a 3:30 appt. with Lynne at CB to see the house in the Lucas area. That should be interesting to compare to the Loudonville site, since the price is higher but we really like the area.

We broke down and told Cherie about my old house “kind of” being available, and fed her info about the [homeowners] in case she can be helpful in convincing them to sell.

Well, it’s 9:30 and we’re very tired. Had turkey enchiladas for dinner & brownies for dessert. 
The couch seems empty without Pav on it. On the other hand, it’s nice to see that it’s available for human seating! Vince & Tessa don’t appear upset by Pav’s absence, but it may take til tomorrow for it to register. David, Vince, Tessa & Tig are all lounging on the bed while I write out here in the chair. I better go help put the sheets on, so we can get to bed & read & relax—tough schedule!

We have of course reflected briefly on the terrorist attacks of one year ago, but neither of us wants to become emotionally overwrought and distracted from present day, real life priorities. The media seems to insist on manipulating people into focusing on past tragedies, pulling at heartstrings in an effort to…what?—open wallets? raise ratings? outdo each other?—and I for one choose not to take part in it.

*Pav was getting along in years at that point, and we didn't want to put him through the stress of two more trips across country.

End of Entry

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