Thursday 10/3/02
Day Thirty-five/ Day 8 of 3rd leg
10 minutes before the show opened at 11:00 am. Had a good time standing under cover watching all the sheep-people stand in line in the rain – yeah, like it’s crucial to have a definitive order for an event like the RV show. We just went because we could, and because we’d always wanted to experience it on a week day vs. a jammed weekend. Aside from having to elbow out a few seniors, it was a pleasant experience. Our current trailer is still tops with us, in looks & price, however we did see a couple interesting developments in the rec’l vehicle hauler style RVs.
Got home @ 2:00, and David started working on the Gold Wing, which he determined during yesterday’s ride to need some maintenance. I did this & that, including discovering Sam’s Club on the internet has an Auction category, and I ended up bidding & winning on a scanner! $25 for a $60 unit.
Joe & Jeannie arrived @ 6:15 to go over some Show & Tell stuff with David re: house mechanics & technical stuff. We finished our pizza after they left. Watched Animal Planet “Water bear”, STNG, and CSI, then to bed.
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Friday 10/4/02
Day Thirty-six/ Day 9 of 3rd leg

Not as many errands today. First, went to the Home Show @ 10:35 and left at noon. Didn’t see anything too thrilling except a hot tub framework (took a picture) and a dry sauna (also just for ideas – too expensive to buy) Then, on to Auburn to pick up an address stamp at *MMP and check the port on the back of the Xerox color copier, as David is trying to fit it with a fiery to make it more useful at home (since we’re kind of stuck with it). Turns out we’ll need some kind of port kit. Then to Sam’s Club for beers, and on home.
Talked to Joyce K who invited us over tonight, since she’ll be out of town until just before we head out. Didn’t do a lot until 6:00--David took a nap after working on the computer, and I caught up on some outside plant maintenance.
Dinner was very good – homemade lasagna, salad, gr beans, and chocolate mousse. David ate a little too much and felt a little uncomfortable. We tried watching a little TV after we walked home @ 9:00 but ended up going to bed after 10:00. I slept okay but David was still full & reported yet another night of poor rest.
*MMP: Minuteman Press, our former printing business
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