
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Journal: Trip to Willoughby Hills

Sunday January 19, 2003

Today we’re going to Cleveland (Willoughby Hills) to see Leslie & Dave. Departed @ 9:40 am in the Volvo.

The dogs have been sleeping in the laundry room (with access to the basement) the last 2 nights because of my painting the guest room. Unfortunately, this has disrupted their schedule and Tessa’s getting us up @ 6am instead of 7.

This morning I looked out front at the thermometer and was surprised to see a small horse in the front yard. I realized it was Don & Kathy’s mini, so I looked up the ph #  *in the phone book and called. Apparently it escaped a few days ago as well, which is when he was running around with *Sam in the field after another neighbor caught him on the road. This was fun for Sam, I think, because he’s lonely since Raymond died unexpectedly. Don said Raymond (the donkey) was only 3 years old, and it was unexpected to find him dead in the field (last week) of no visible cause. We found out about Raymond the same day we had the deer put down, so it was a double sad day.

David put lino’m tile in the laundry room, and he’s begun building his workbench in the garage. I’ve been busy designing (thinking & sketching) the guest room and have started painting & wall texturing. We’re really having fun, and it’s easy to smile a lot.

The winter has been colder & snowier than even I expected - it’s quite an adventure! It’s been weeks (2-3) since it’s been above 32 deg, except the one day January thaw when it reached the 40’s. Day after day of temps in the 20’s and less has acclimated us rather quickly, though, and we’re not really bothered by it.

We’re getting a lot of inside work done! Besides, the snow is so pretty to look at, and reflects the light – such a spectacular difference from the gray, wet, dreary winters we had been suffering through.

David is an excellent driver in all road conditions, so I don’t worry much about going places in the snow. The roads are well maintained with salt/gravel/plowing, and the main roads are usually clear. Today the most difficult part of the drive has been seeing through the windshield, as the fluid dispensers have frozen up and the view gets more obscure. David has a new trick of driving behind a semi for road spray, and running the wipers – such a clever boy!

It’s 11am – time to call Leslie & trick her that we’ve just left the house. (she didn’t bite…)

Arrive 11:40 – exactly 2 hours, including a fuel stop. Leslie made a veggie soup and quesadillas for lunch, and we talked & hung around with them & the kids. Saw Leslie’s paintings & treadmill and David saw Dave’s table saw. Leslie loved the water pitcher! They returned *‘the Burl’ which had died through no fault of theirs, and also gave us a Lucky Bamboo plant. Also inherited a pair of house-shoes too small for Leslie. Departed 3:30pm.

*in the phone book: gosh that sounds so quaint now!

*Sam: the neighbor's horse that was still staying in our barn

*the Burl: a small growth from a redwood tree that one attempts to grow out small tree sprouts.

End of Entry

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