
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

RANDOM LIST: Small Moments, Big Payoff

To help ring in 2014 on a good note,

here are some of the little moments that make me happy (in no particular order): 

  • Getting a tight jar lid open without asking for help
  • A rare glimpse of one of my zebra finches taking a bath in their enclosed water feature (cage accessory must-have)
  • Waking up for a moment, then slipping away again on the gentle waves of breathing sounds from my husband and doggies
  • So many of the fabulous images on Pinterest
  • When my best friend calls me out of the blue because she needs someone to talk to
  • Seeing a baby smile (actually I just threw that one in, because it seems mandatory on a list like this)
  • Trying on a new pair of shoes and they fit JUST RIGHT
  • When my husband tells me he's impressed with something I did or made
  • Hanging on to the saddle horn while my horse is careening down a hill
  • That first sip of champagne
  • Really, really soft things (I may have to do a post on all the super-soft things I love)
  • When I remember somebody else's birthday on time.
  • Wearing boots and walking through puddles
  • When someone answers a 'yes or no question' with just 'yes' or 'no'. (This is actually quite rare--start paying attention and you'll see)
  • Things that spin. Especially if they're shiny! 
  • When Edgar, our male sheep, answers me back after I've called to him (in his own language, of course)
  • When I hit 'publish' on a blog post
  • Any comment I get on any of my blog posts. No matter what it says, or how long it is. Any comment is welcome. Anything, any time, any subject... (is this thing on? testing, testing, onetwothree)
  • Bite into a PERFECTLY ripe nectarine, and all is right in my world
I'll stop for now; I'll start building a new list during the new year!