Sunday 9/1/2002
Day Three
WA to OR to Mountain Home, Idaho (near Boise)Starting mileage 88405 / Ending mileage 88802
Left Moses Lake at 8:30am. The campground was bustling with activity by 7:00, children & dogs everywhere. After a light breakfast, pack-up, and a dog walk we were ready to go.
Entered Oregon at 10:27am, (88508 mileage) stopped at Berringer Farms produce stand near Hermiston. Root beer, strawberry smoothie, a Walla Walla onion & a nectarine, and some fresh honey. Then on past Pendleton and in to LaGrande for fuel & lunch.

We made ham sandwiches, chips & pop to go & hit the road (driving while writing this….)
Except for one potty stop, we came straight to this KOA past Boise. David says there are no apparent problems with the engine (inj. Tube) now – yeah! Arrived at 6:00pm. The KOA sites are clean & spacious, but fairly barren. No matter, we’re leaving tomorrow morning.
Had chicken, mashed & corn for dinner. Beautiful warm temp – ate outside. Pink skies at sunset. Pav’s eye still looks ok.
Fuel: LaGrande, OR 19.75 gal / $30 / 190 miles on tank
*Pav: a retired racing greyhound we had adopted in 1992
End of Entry
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