11:00am I’m sitting in the sunroom watching David lay plastic & gravel on the patio site. He picked up some very pretty pea gravel yesterday—kind of has a redish/ivory hue that looks good with the bricks. I’ve been picking up in the house and starting some laundry.
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Tip: watching gravel be unloaded is easier than doing it |
We actually got up early this morning (early for us…) because there was an auction around the corner on 50 that we wanted to drop into. No intentions to stay, just wanted to looky-loo at all the stuff listed in the ad that this one guy had accumulated. David kept pleading with me to kill him if he ever started collecting so much stuff. The farm was so big, but the house quite small, and we kept trying to guess where he’d stored all that crap. Our barn was visible in the distance, past a giant cornfield.
All the farmers in the area have been plowing their fields this week. A few fields have a crop started, but it seems for the most part just old corn going under.
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Farmer working the land that abuts our west and north fields |
It was supposed to rain yesterday—I guess it finally did in some areas near Columbus—but our ‘banana belt’ syndrome continues to hold. I was really hoping for rain to water all the newly planted trees. By the way, I just read where I wrote that planting 40 trees “wasn’t too hard” and I laughed at myself because my body was pretty darn tired that night. What I meant was that each individual act of spading open the ground, maneuvering in the tree roots, and closing the gap, was not in itself difficult; it was, however, a hard day's work.
Anyhoo, due to the ‘promise’ of rain yesterday (it was a bit chilly) we made it a shopping day. Talk about Ma & Pa Kettle Go To Town! The Volvo was loaded with fencing, project supplies, grocery items & beverages. We are doing well at ‘stocking up’ and have really minimized our shopping trips.
[David had most of the gravel laid out, now has decided that the plastic gets too exposed when the gravel squishes aside, so he’s out there undoing all his hard work… I think I’ll go make him a tasty sandwich for lunch in a little while.]
Big News! Yesterday was Groundhog Day! No, not February 2nd, but the day our dogs brought down a ground hog. David & I do not know any of the facts surrounding the death, but David went to find Tessa yesterday in the back yard where she hangs out, and found a newly dead GH on its back. Dead, but no blood. He said Tessa made like she was going to grab it & bring it to him, but he called her off.
He brought me out, and after looking at it closely we decided possible broken neck or back, plus there was a small stomach puncture. David said Pav was in the area at the time, so for all we know it was a group effort. No marks on the dogs, so we’re acknowledging the possibility the GH crawled out & died of old age. As proud dog parents, though, we prefer to believe Tessa waited by the hole (as she will for hours), pounced when it showed its head, and shook it hard.
The landscape is really greening up, and the view just keeps getting better & better. All of David’s hard work on the pond has paid off, and the level seems to be holding well. The little tree outside the kitchen window that Dad & Elsie say is a dogwood has not bloomed yet. Either it’s not a dogwood, or maybe they bloom after they get their leaves. The “temporary garden” is doing well, and it’s fun to guess what the heck all those things are that I transplanted into it are. There’s one plant David is convinced is a weed, and I say not, so we’ll see how it turns out.
11:36 am Well, I’ve got a lot more trees to plant today and apparently need to water all. Tessa is still sitting by the GH hole—been there since we got home at 10am.
[Looks like the plastic is all out, so I’ll go whip up some lunch.]
End of Entry
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