"Free Samples" june 24 2014
i was at work and saw a co-worker having to go under water for part of his job [no real visuals; just 'knew' about it].
stopped by somewhere on my way home [landscape company?], saw co-worker outside at his other job. several of his co-workers were walking shoulder deep in a cranberry pond, and carried him cradled in their arms crosswise and were using him to filter the pond. His head was toward me and kept going under but he kept smiling. I kept calling to him, "hey what's with the water theme today", and made comments to the people milling around, but no one seemed to hear me or notice I was there.
found myself inside the visitor's area of the winery for a special employee function, with lots of wine samples out. i had some red wine. my co-worker walked by a few times but we didn't talk. i saw a package of [can't remember--not food or beverage], and thought it was free like the wine samples so I picked it up and carried it around. eventually realized it wasn't free so put it down and went back to my seat. ate a giant blackberry from a complex plastic-bubble package, a 4-pack labeled 'the berry best' and priced at $7.95. i wondered if i was supposed to be eating them.
co-worker came up and started talking to me; exec came up and kept eyeballing us and talking about needing to file something. Walked away shaking his head.
"...and that's when I woke up"