Thursday April 3, 2003
Guess I fell asleep before I finished Tuesday’s ramblings—oh well. The point is, it was a terrific visit and we can’t wait for Leslie’s family to attend “Camp Tina” again as the kids have started to call it. I think it would be more fair to call it Camp Joslyn, but what can you do with kids…
Friday April 4, 2003
I have GOT to stop being distracted away from my journal so easily! Really do have things to put on paper for future memory jogging. It’s pretty obvious to me that even at age 38 my memory capabilities are terrible—imagine how little I’ll be able to recall of all these wonderful events when old & gray.
At the moment it’s 7:33am and I’m in the recliner in the sunroom with the dogs. They’ve done their breakfast and potty thing, and would like to go back to bed, but I may just keep them up with me out of spite. It’s gray and a little rainy outside, a big change from the last few days. Average temps are supposed to be in the 50’s & 60’s, but Wed-Thurs it was in the 70’s!
In fact, it was enough to convince us to take our first motorcycle ride in Ohio, and we took off yesterday @ 1:30pm for a tour. Went through Marion, then looped home through Bucyrus & Galion.
Ready to Ride! |
As noted before, the bird sounds volume is way up. They’re
frantically making nests in the trees, shed and barn. The starlings seem intent
on cramming into a nook in the metal doorway to the shed. Wackos. The robins
have started using their battle cry—piercing and aggressive; I assume territory
has been staked out. The tiny birds are doing their best to make a dent in the
green birdfeeder. It holds a lot of seed, so it’ll take awhile.
7:55am Pav is
standing & staring at me, his version of demanding something. I’m pretty
sure I’ll cave in and let him back inside to his warm bed. (It’s almost 60* out
here—nobody’s suffering…) Vince is huddled under a blanket, and Tessa goes in
& out through the propped open door. When she is inside the sunroom, she
spends her time looking outside. (Pav just heaved a giant sigh and flopped
down) Across the field, Sam the horse seems agitated. Probably springtime
jitters. He really wants to mingle with the neighboring horse herd, but that
darn fence prohibits. They all seem restless this morning. They maybe got
spoiled by the recent sunshine like I did, and are trying to adjust to ‘normal’
spring weather.
Before and after the motorcycle ride yesterday, David &
I continued our yard work. I was weeding and transplanting things out of the
front beds, and David was edging the pond, preparing for plastic lining and
plants. (8:10am Pav stood up & is
pressing his nose against the glass—I’m going to give in. Maybe I’ll have a
little breakfast, too)
Prepping pond for plastic lining |
Flower bed next to corral fence. |
The international symbol for Spring! |
Not bad, but a lot of improvements to be made. |
Always a pleasant little corner |
9:00am Noticed the hot tub was still up to temp, so after I let the dogs into their bedroom I took a dip! Pretty relaxing, an a.m. hot tubbing while watching the birds at the feeder. After that, had to go downstairs to the freezer to get my breakfast burritos, and remembered that once again I’d forgotten to thaw the chicken for today’s slow cook plans. I wonder if I can just stick that frozen lump in the crockpot and cross my fingers? Nope, I decided to microwave defrost, and it’s humming away now in the background. I took a chance that leaving the wrapper on the bird is a good idea—I wonder if it will explode…
Anyhoo, David’s up now, and the dogs are moving around,
slurping water all over the kitchen floor, surprise surprise. Now Pav is
staring at me so I can let him out. His Royal Highness is getting an early
start today… Our plans are to go “to town” today and pick up
supplies. I’d better get busy on a sundries list—a different kind of writing.
More later—still have to catch up on past events.
End of Entry
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