Saturday April 12, 2003
8:37pm Had another
big yard day today
I planted the hostas that I removed from under the trees in
the front yard. Didn’t think they were flourishing in such strong southern sun.
Decided to stick them on the west side of the big shed wich is shaded by an
evergreen. Used to be some junipers there, but there were dying from lack of
sun so I transplanted them to down by the stream.
In the past few days, David & I finished the pond edging
& plastic lining & block placing & gravel pouring & block
removal & plastic trimming (mind you it was 80/20 David to me…) He let me
play “county worker” and drive the mower slowly while he shoveled gravel from
the back. He said I didn’t take enough breaks to be a good county worker.
Hope this works |
Yes, it was as much work as it looks |
This corner really shows off the plastic bling! |
All right, let's keep our fingers crossed that all the work was worth it. |
So fas so good! |
Also today we plotted out the path from the garage to the shed. After spading a couple rows by hand I got the bright idea to use the power edger/trencher and cut a patchwork, then spade out squares.
Cutting & removing sod is a great workout! |
Eventually, results start to add up. |
On Friday, we had a vet apt for Tig, Pav & Vince. The vet is great—very good about explaining things and listening. Turns out we may be able to *save Pav’s eyesight with some special goo, and also he doesn’t need booster immun’s anymore (neither does Tig)—new thinking in the vet community. Tig gave a blood sample and they’ll check for causes of his underweight (6+ lbs) and recent vomiting. Vince was all A-ok.
Later on Friday David called Weavers to see about a
replacement bush hog—he didn’t have one yet but agreed to swap for a plow. So,
David rigged up a winch, got the ‘hog’ in the back of the pickup and took off.
I worked in the yard till he came back, now with a plow in the truck.
New Toy |
Yesterday we decided on a plot in the west field for David
to plow. I’ll plant corn, pumpkins and watermelons—anything that needs room to
spread out. Speaking of the west field, today I mowed most of the long grass
out there, since I was out to water the poplars anyway. It was kind of fun, but
bumpy, and the grass kept blowing in my face. I’m afraid I didn’t do a good job
planting the poplars (too much of a depression from ground level) but I have
faith in Mother Nature overcoming my human error.
The weather is supposed to keep getting better & warmer
through the next few days. David & I both got a little sunburned today,
which which we found funny for April—we’re used to being waterlogged, not
sunburned! Ray & Sharon are in
Hawaii, so we can’t call them to gloat.Tomorrow I need to finish transplanting shrubs out of the
front bed & into the temporary bed. It’s a risk to dig things up after
they’ve started to ‘wake up’ but oh well.
I just realized I haven’t mentioned war in Iraq in my
journaling—hmmmm. Must be a symptom of my decision to avoid the subject… I
enjoy getting Dad’s perspective on it and venting now & then, but in
general I just choose not to make it part of my daily life.
Tired now
*their bed: Our dogs were not, and are not, ever asked to 'rough it'. By 'bed' I meant an actual bed, covered with washable dog blankets...
*some tree cages: masses of them actually, made from fencing that he cut to size, snipping hundreds of individual wires
*save Pav’s eyesight: His eyes had become quite "cloudy"
End of Entry
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