
Friday, October 31, 2014

7-3-03: Hindsight

Thursday, July 3 2003

9:52 pm

-- No eggs today – probably the heat

-- David dropped off the lease proposal & spoke to [W] (the building owner) today. Things seem to be moving along for “Kontor Enterprises, LLC” dba *“KONTOR Supply Cabinet”!  Sept. first is still the launch date, with August as move-in period.

Inside our new space. Previous tenants left the place a mess.

Front windows looking out onto Main Street.

Nice corner location at main intersection in town.

We would only be leasing the bottom section of the building...

...and the creepy basement.

-- Hot & sunny today, @ 90 deg, but a slight breeze and some clouds helped. Worked inside on the computer most of the afternoon on the KONTOR logo, LH and signage ideas. The basement is almost too cool but makes for a nice retreat.

-- Combed out Sam & Beanie’s mane & tail this morning. Beanie was so pesky while I was trying to do Sam that I head-butted her a few times. Finally pushed her outside & shut the door after making sure Sam wouldn’t get upset.

-- Pav is a bed hog…

*KONTOR Supply Cabinet: This is the name we came up with for our office supply business. (In hindsight, a terrible choice which did us no favors) Our reasoning: 'Kontor' means 'office' in Swedish; people keep their office supplies in 'supply cabinets'; a unique name would stand out and be remembered. (Honestly, we talked this over a lot and it made SO much sense at the time.) 

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Thursday, October 30, 2014

7-02-03: Tour of the Gardens

Wednesday, July 2 2003

9:48 pm
Me & the dogs are on the bed watching my “show” (OLTL) and David is in the shower. I had to take one, too, because the humidity had sweat pouring – okay, trickling – off of me when I was in the field garden, after 8:00 pm. Planted row #4 of corn, right on schedule. Watered a few things and pulled some weeds.

Just after 8:30 saw David in the agility field with a couple of people. He called me over and I met [T] & her daughter, neighbors that live in the house next to [M] & [W]. They are involved in 4H and have 2 dogs into agility. They saw our equipment from the road while on a walk. We had a nice chat, and found out they’d like to have David build some agility equipment. Talked about doing that in exchange for the daughter to “pet-sit” if we go away for a couple days now and then.  We’ll see how it works out.

Earlier today [R] & [H] putted over on their ATV, and *took tours of the misc. gardens. They have offered to water and watch over the plants while we’re gone on our trip July 9-19. [R] is very knowledgeable about plants, and especially helpful when it comes to identifying weeds vs. flowers. Turns out I’ve got some work to do in the backyard flower garden… 

Also found out some interesting tidbits about our property in general, especially that a road used to run through it, and that we have a Bartlett pear tree.

@ noon, Took the trailer to Mt. Gilead to get licensed, but got the runaround re: the title.

After returning from the trip to Mt Gilead with the trailer, David filled it with water & did some maintenance. Then we backed it into the storage shed, powered up, hit the slide-out, and I vacuumed & started cleaning the cupboards. We took a break together, and that’s when we started talking about taking the trip without the trailer because of all the nights we had planned at other people’s homes.

It was the first time I’ve seen David in such a state of “I can’t believe I didn’t think of that”. Anyhoo, now the plan is to go with just the truck, and bring the tent for the one or two nights we’ll be on the road. Pretty funny that we just changed the plan.

--  The bugs, mostly flies, were annoying today. The horses seem really bothered. Think we’ll buy some fly repellant for Sam & Beanie.

--  Pav has gas and is smelly here next to me on the bed. What else is new.

--  The dogs did really well meeting [R] & [H], and [T] & her daughter.

--  The other day David saw “that damn chipmunk” leap from the pole, up and into the birdfeeder, where he sat munching happily. We took pictures.

--  Called Dad & talked to him briefly about our trip, which I forgot to mention yesterday.

--  It’s 11:00 pm now, time for the evening news.

*took tours of the misc. gardens: In hindsight, crazy idea to get [R] all the way out to the field garden. They were both in their 80's, and she had so much trouble walking in general. [H] went and fetched her cane while I mindlessly led her down the hill and across the bridge and out into the field. What a goofball!

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7-1-03: Too Blue

Tuesday, July 1 2003

10:38 am 
The days fly by! Yesterday did shopping errands and met with the building owner in Galion of the location we’re considering. Decided against Shane’s store for various reasons; the one we viewed yesterday is a corner lot in downtown with nice glass front, directly opposite the COC.

David is downstairs now working on a lease proposal to the bldng owner. For some reason the owner was not interested in being the one to offer up the paperwork. 

Saturday was another hot day, and David had the great idea to motorcycle down to see Lars and his boat. I called ahead to Lars’ neighbor, and made sure he was around. Had a nice ride and lunched on a grilled chicken sandwich at KFC. Got to his ‘house’ @ 1:00 and spent an hour or so hanging around.

Back yard is in decent shape, and his dogs behaved themselves quite well, even Bootsie. Lars was happy with his boat and said he was thinking of taking it out on Sunday (I wonder if he did – the weather was warm but chancy for thundershowers.) He thought the Gold Wing was pretty neat.

After errands yesterday, I spent time outside weeding. The recent rains did a good job loosening the soil, so I worked until it was too dark to see - @ 9:30. Sure is nice to look at the results the next day. I haven’t been outside yet today; puttering with inside chores and just taking it easy. Time to start preparing lists for the big trip.

-- Had a huge frog in the potting shed yesterday, and one of those pesky chipmunks.

-- The algaecide David put in the pond recently is doing a good job, although it’s still too blue looking for our eyes. Should dissipate as the pond fills back up with water (hot spell dried out the creek and evaporated from the pond)

-- Still having a great time doing my cross stitch. Seem to be a bit addicted to it, in fact.

-- Dr Phil shows all reruns for weeks…..

-- Oops! Pav’s 12th birthday was yesterday! We’ll make it up to him today with some one-on-one time in the fields later when the heat & humidity go down.

End of Entry

Thursday, October 16, 2014

6-27-03: First Load of Hay

Friday, June 27 2003

9:23 pm     Hot weather continues. I’m a gardening maniac, and David is an indoor/outdoor maniac.

Ready for boxed in mirror cabinet

Shower stall and framed sump closet

Half wall between toilet and sink area

Talked to Dad today – he called after 11pm their time, said it’s still light out so no reason to quit working except for the mosquitos… We talked about Tig and each other’s projects. Sounds like they’re busy and relaxed.

Yesterday we brought in a load of “hay” from the north field. David had mowed the tall grass out there recently and it had dried nicely in the heat. The neighbors have been busy baling hay, so I figured I’d go out and rake up a little of our own. Sure, it was almost 90 and humidity way up there, but I took my pitchfork out and raked up @ 8 big piles. It’s a grass/hay/weed mixture, but will work well for mulch and emergency animal food. David drove the pickup truck out to the field (after testing the ground with the tractor) and we loaded the whole bed high. Then we brought it back to the barn and hoisted it into the loft. 

Our first "load" of hay

Aerial view of our first "load" of hay

Hay in the hay loft!
*Sam enjoys the lettuce from the garden (I pick the icky variety ‘Florida broadleaf mustard’)

Creamsicle continues to lay one egg per day.

I slept til 10:00 this morning and the dogs were right there with me. In fact, they’re right here with me now, exactly 12 hours later!

*Sam: the neighbor's horse. In hindsight, I can't believe we were still boarding him for free! What a couple suckers.

End of Entry

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

6-25-03: First Chicken Egg!

Wednesday, June 25 2003

8:40 pm
Yesterday’s Big News: found first chicken egg after evening close down! Probably from 'Creamsicle' who sports the most mature *'wattle'. Plus, earlier this morning when I opened the chicken door, Creamsicle went outside then back inside to nestle in the nest boxes as if she was trying to lay an egg. I watched for about 10 min. but then decided a watched hen doesn’t lay…

Creamsicle's first egg!

Couldn't wait to see what it looked like!

Second big news: dug up and ate the *first few red potatoes from the garden! Very tasty and almost creamy inside, cooked by steaming in the microwave.

Yesterday was @ 90 – felt like 100+ in the sun. Took me a while to get on a roll in the heat. Slept until 10:00 am because I tuckered myself out on Monday by spending hours trimming grass around our new trees & plants. I enjoy working in hot and humid conditions (sort of perverse) as long as I can take breaks & drink water.

It’s almost 9 am and already 70. I don’t want to miss a minute of the summer warmth, because I’ve got a lot of time to make up for. My tan is totally wacky because of the clothing I wear to work in. Also, the kneepads block my knees, with funky strap marks on the back. Guess I better not enter any swimsuit contests. Well, to the kitchen now – told David I’d make him some oatmeal cookies.

Yesterday was a big day for David on his project downstairs. I’ll see if I can get him to jot down a few notes.
Finally made headway with the plumbing – installed venting to outside by punching hole through bricks; same with exhaust vent; finished attaching all drainage pipes to fixtures; installed wiring & switch & box for vanity light; made frame for medicine cabinet; hooked up water pipes to main pipes & checked for leaks – had to install union on shower line so that I could tighten-up connections; installed pump in sump and test ran. 
Today I want to run vent piping through the roof & finish the patching through the bricks (cement patch). Also build the wall between the sink & toilet, also the closet wall. Then can begin drywalling.
This is a complex project with lots of steps – some made harder because of having to cut through cinderblock & brick & also because of the unusual beams & layout of the room itself. Not to mention the awful dirt under the house.

*'wattle': pretty sure I meant 'comb', since the wattle is the flesh that hangs below their beak, and the comb is the flesh upon their heads.

*first few red potatoes: can't believe I didn't take a picture!

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Monday, October 6, 2014

6-23-03: Don't Come A Knockin'

Monday, June 23 2003

9:35 am
The nice weather continues – downright hot, actually. Today & next few will be near and above 90. David has been working hard on installing the sump for the downstairs bathroom. Very dirty work with getting the mud and muck out of the hole. Needs to pour more concrete today so we’ll be going to Home Depot today. I think I’ll tag along so I can pick out some potting mix.
The pictures below show yet another challenge David encountered. Turns out there was a natural spring running under the house, right where he dug a hole for the sump pump. He says he had two choices: install a second sump pump to take care of the spring water, or fill it in and let nature continue what it was doing. We went with Plan B and it worked out fine.

Natural spring near the sump pump location

The potting shed has been great fun. I’ve been able to dry out a ton of daffodil bulbs, work with seedlings, and prepare transplants. Handy place to keep gloves, hat kneepads, hand tools, containers. It’s very practical and I look forward to making it decorative as well, with dried flower wreaths, pictures, etc...

Email from Dad & Elsie the other day said thanks for the Father’s day letter I sent, and that their mid-summer festivities were being hampered by the weather. I sent emails yesterday to *Britta & Karin regarding our July trip itinerary. I hope their schedules can accommodate. 

Tessa has been wearing herself out lately but still can’t seem to sleep in – wakes us up sometimes before 6:30 am. She’s identified a certain chipmunk as her new arch enemy and helps us by staking out the bird feeder area. She’s chased that little critter away from the mix more than once. I’m all for it, because that darn chipmunk was tearing up the flower boxes in the front porch.

If the feeder's a rockin', don't come a knockin'...

The gardens keep me busy – I just love puttering with the plants. Watering, weeding, planting, mulching, thinning, and just plain gazing at them. The field garden has a better chance of developing now that the weather’s turned.

*Britta & Karin: my Dad's sisters

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Random List: Profound Thoughts

Thoughts that seemed profound after two homemade margaritas in the sun:

    • The breeze is gone...where did it go?
    • That black jeep has such noisy tires.
    • Is it 'cicada' or 'katydid'? Just exactly what did Katy do?
    • Clouds are so messy.
    • My dog is snoring.
    • What great things could I be accomplishing if I wasn't spacing out?
    • The laundry's not going to get off the line by itself, but it could try...
    • I like tequila.